[Code] FPV Freerider Recharged latest code 03/2025

Are you searching for rules FPV Freerider Recharged code? You’ve come to the right spot. Game FPV Freerider Recharged has been published by the FPV Freerider the category of Simulation. The game has been rated with stars by players.

Game for ages USK: All ages. Game FPV Freerider Recharged includes 10K+ downloads. Updated version Jul 31, 2021

Gameapparent.com – offers you the FPV Freerider Recharged code that we compiled in FPV Freerider Recharged that we created in the form of 26/03/2025. We hope to make it easier to play the game FPV Freerider Recharged.

GET A NEW CODE NOW! (Update 26/03/2025)

FPV Freerider Recharged latest code.

  • 1619E Modify this code to get 100 diamonds ( New)
  • 341C0 Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 22935 Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 9BDA Change this code to 150 Diamonds.
  • 970D Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • D182 Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 14110 Change this code to get 100 Diamonds.
  • 19680 You can exchange this coupon for 500 CoinsThen exchange it for 500 Coins.
  • 11367 Use this code to earn 50 Diamonds
  • 21857 Use this code to get 100 Diamonds
  • 112EB Exchange this code for gold item
  • 22D5F Exchange this code for a scarce item

Staying up to date…

FPV Freerider Recharged forever code.

  • 1159B
  • 11D89
  • 9E78
  • 1E602
  • A322
  • 21D
  • 20EA6
  • 31FF0
  • 179C
  • 1D099
  • 9B29

FPV Freerider Recharged beginner code.

  • 239B0
  • 1A8AE
  • 2825D
  • 9FD0
  • F132
  • 58D3
  • 1100
  • 184E8
  • 3957
  • 1050C
  • 1708B

FPV Freerider Recharged event code.

  • 1DA4C
  • 1F27D
  • 18751
  • 8555
  • ABA2
  • AD6A
  • 192C4
  • 1C231
  • D843
  • 2182A
  • 1FC7B

How do I enter FPV Freerider Recharged code.

Step 1: Visit the homepage FPV Freerider Recharged

Step 2: Find the place where you can enter the gift code FPV Freerider Recharged

  [Code] Pocket Town – Animal World latest code 03/2025

Step 3: Type in the gift code FPV Freerider Recharged

Updating details…

Hacking gold: How do you hack it FPV Freerider Recharged.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Introduction FPV Freerider Recharged.

Please read the full description:

This is a simulator, not a game. The simulator enables you to practice your FPV racing/freestyle and LOS flying skills on your android device.
This simulator requires a powerful device.
You will get best performance if selecting Low Screen Resolution and Lowest Graphics Quality on the main menu. Also, if possible activate “Performance Mode” or similar in your phone settings to get the best performance.

(There is a free version of the original FPV Freerider app that you can try to see if it works on your setup. If the original FPV Freerider app works on your device, chances are pretty good that FPV Freerider Recharged will work too. Recharged is more demanding though).

Supports self-leveling and acro mode, as well as 3D mode (for inverted flying).
Custom settings for input rates, camera and physics.
Google Cardboard side-by-side VR view option.
Touchscreen controls support mode 1, 2, 3 and 4. Mode 2 is default.

You can use touchscreen controls to fly, but flying a racequad with touchscreen controls is very hard. Using a good physical controller (such as an RC radio connected via USB OTG) is highly recommended. There are a lot of videos on youtube that shows how to connect an RC transmitter to FPV Freerider. You can also find more info in the manual, there is a link at the end of this text.

Physical controllers are configurable between mode 1,2,3 and 4 during the Calibrate Controller procedure.
Controllers that have been successfully used include FrSKY Taranis, Spektrum, Devo, DJI FPV, Turnigy, Flysky, Jumper, Radiomaster, Eachine, Detrum, Graupner and Futaba RC radios, Realflight and Esky USB Controllers, Logitech, Moga, Xbox and Playstation gamepads.

This version of FPV Freerider Recharged is adapted to android devices. In order to keep the file size low and performance up, it does not contain the usual built-in levels of the desktop version. Instead it has some adjusted/previously unreleased levels more suitable for mobile devices.
The full level editor is included. The levels are fully compatible with the desktop version of Recharged.

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You can use the touchscreen to create and edit levels. Levels can be saved and loaded locally on your device.
It can be difficult to make precise editing on a small screen – for extensive editing it is recommended to use a USB/bluetooth mouse (and keyboard). An even better alternative is to use the desktop version to create your levels and then simply copy them to the correct folder on your android device.
The correct folder is usually found at
(or “Internal Storage/Android/Data/com.Freeride.FreeriderRecharged/files/”)

You can find more information in the user manual (PDF)

portable drone / multirotor / quadrocopter / miniquad / racequad simulator

New feature in FPV Freerider Recharged.

Minor fixes

(Objects are now easier to select in the level editor. Minor fix to the controller calibration)

Image FPV Freerider Recharged.

Screenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot image

Comment on the FPV Freerider Recharged.

This is now my favorite game on Android. I’ve bought both versions. After I got residuumr set up I love it. I personally think the calibration dots should be larger and easier to select. I also think it should have a moment to review the calibration/dots before it goes into the scale and trim. Thank you.

Learn more
Charging the FPV Freerider
FPV Freerider

USK: All ages
July 31, 2021
Please read the full description:

It’s not a game, it’s a simulator. The simulator allows you to practice your FPV/free ride and LOS flying skills on your Android device.
This simulator requires a powerful device.
You will get the best performance if you select Low Screen Resolution and Lowest Graphics Quality in the main menu. Also, if possible, enable “Performance Mode” or similar in your phone’s settings to get the best performance.

(There is a free version of the original FPV Freerider app so you can check if it works with your setup. If the original FPV Freerider app works on your device, FPV Freerider Recharged will too.

It supports self-healing and acro mode, as well as 3D mode (for reverse flight).
Custom settings for input speed, camera and physics.
Google Cardboard side-by-side VR view option.
The touch screen control supports modes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Mode 2 is the default.

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You can use touchscreen controls to fly, but flying a racing car with touchscreen controls is very difficult. Using a good physical controller (like an RC radio connected via USB OTG) is highly recommended. There are many videos on YouTube showing how to connect the RC transmitter to the FPV Freerider. More information can also be found in the manual, there is a link at the end of this text.

The physical controller can be configured between modes 1,2,3 and 4 during the controller calibration procedure.
Successfully used controllers include FrSKY Taranis, Spektrum, Devo, DJI FPV, Turnigy, Flysky, Jumper, Radiomaster, Eachine, Detrum, Graupner and Futaba RC radios, Realflight and Esky USB Controllers, Logitech, Moga, Xbox and Playstation gamepads. .

This FPV Freerider Recharged version is optimized for Android devices. To reduce file size and improve performance, do not include the default levels of the normal desktop version. However, it has some custom/unreleased levels that are better suited for mobile devices.
Includes a full level editor. The levels are exactly the same as the desktop version of Recharged.

You can use the touch screen to create and edit levels. Levels can be saved and loaded locally on your device.
Accurate editing can be difficult on small screens – a USB / bluetooth mouse (and keyboard) is recommended for heavy editors. A better alternative is to use the desktop version to create your level, then just copy it to the correct folder on your Android device.
The correct folder can usually be found here
(or “Internal Storage/Android/Data/com.Freeride.FreeriderRecharged/files/”)

More information can be found in the user manual (PDF)

portable drone/multirotor/quadrocopter/miniquad/racequad simulator
Minor corrections

(Easier to select items in level editor. Minor improvements to controller calibration)
Now this is my favorite Android game. I bought both versions. I like it after putting the rest on. Personally, I think the calibration point should be bigger and easier to select. I also think it’s worth taking the time to review the calibrations/points before moving on to scale and trims. Thank you very much
Details FPV Freerider Recharged

Originally posted on November 1, 2022 @ 10:26 pm

Update at 17:01 - 10/06/2023
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