[Code] Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came latest code 03/2025

Are you searching for rules Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came code? You’ve come to the right spot. Game Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came has been published by the Budge Studios the category of Simulation. The game has been rated with stars by players.

Game for ages . Game Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came includes 5M+ downloads. Updated version Jan 27, 2022

Gameapparent.com – offers you the Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came code that we compiled in Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came that we created in the form of 26/03/2025. We hope to make it easier to play the game Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came.

GET A NEW CODE NOW! (Update 26/03/2025)

Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came latest code.

  • 62F9 Modify this code to get 100 diamonds ( New)
  • 21056 Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • E9D8 Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 5C70 Change this code to 150 Diamonds.
  • 178FF Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • B39E Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 161CF Change this code to get 100 Diamonds.
  • 88E3 You can exchange this coupon for 500 CoinsThen exchange it for 500 Coins.
  • 514 Use this code to earn 50 Diamonds
  • B377 Use this code to get 100 Diamonds
  • 1C7E Exchange this code for gold item
  • 2794F Exchange this code for a scarce item

Staying up to date…

Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came forever code.

  • 19803
  • 26488
  • 17B8A
  • 3226F
  • 2FD79
  • 289A4
  • 33CED
  • 1D575
  • 20C63
  • 32E00
  • 10FEE

Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came beginner code.

  • 2406E
  • 4BF1
  • 18B06
  • 16DD7
  • 24221
  • 14183
  • 6634
  • 1EAE8
  • 32DC5
  • 1448D
  • 1142E

Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came event code.

  • 1E38D
  • 15E54
  • 1280A
  • 279E5
  • 2A21C
  • 3083A
  • 15403
  • 17DE4
  • 304C9
  • 282E
  • 31B10

How do I enter Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came code.

Step 1: Visit the homepage Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came

  [Code] Dinosaur Deformers - for kids latest code 03/2025

Step 2: Find the place where you can enter the gift code Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came

Step 3: Type in the gift code Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came

Updating details…

Hacking gold: How do you hack it Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Introduction Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came.

Budge Studios™ presents Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Camera, Fashion! Join Miss Hollywood® and all her pet friends to live the celeb life at her mansion in the Hollywood Hills! Jump into the action of movie scenes with fun mini games and win fabulous prizes! Dress up in glamorous outfits and bring the mansion back to life with beautiful decorations! Experience true movie magic and become a Hollywood superstar!

DECORATE all 7 of your pets’ unique mansion rooms
DRESS UP your pets in cool outfits
CHASE and jump onto the chopper!
BUILD the movie sets
GRANT the costume wishes of your pet friends
SWING your way to the pirate treasure
FLY through stars and space!
DANCE to Bollywood beats
ATTEND your own movie premieres

MISS HOLLYWOOD®: the supreme fashionista Chihuahua
PRINCESS: the royal white kitten
HOP: the hip-hop bunny
MISS PUGGY: the Hollywood actress
ALLIE: the rock star black cat
MAX: the gamer
PAW DADDY: the R&B swag-dog

Budge Studios takes children’s privacy seriously and ensures that its apps are compliant with privacy laws. This application has received the “ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) Privacy Certified Kids’ Privacy Seal”. For more information, please visit our privacy policy at: https://budgestudios.com/en/legal/privacy-policy/, or email our Data Protection Officer at: [email protected]

Before you download this app, please note that it is free to try, but some content may only be available via in-app purchases. In-app purchases cost real money and are charged to your account. To disable or adjust the ability to make in-app purchases, change your device settings. This app may contain contextual advertising (including the option to watch ads for rewards) from Budge Studios regarding other apps we publish, from our partners and from third parties. Budge Studios does not permit behavioral advertising or retargeting in this app. The app may also contain social media links that are only accessible behind a parental gate.

  [Code] Counter Knights latest code 03/2025

This application is subject to an End-User License Agreement available through the following link: https://budgestudios.com/en/legal-embed/eula/

Budge Studios was founded in 2010 with the mission to entertain and educate children around the world, through innovation, creativity and fun. Its high-quality app portfolio consists of original and branded properties. Budge Studios maintains the highest standards of safety and age-appropriateness, and has become a global leader in children’s apps for smartphones and tablets.

Visit us: www.budgestudios.com
Like us: facebook.com/budgestudios
Follow us: @budgestudios
Watch our app trailers: youtube.com/budgestudios

We always welcome your questions, suggestions and comments. Contact us 24/7 at [email protected]

BUDGE, BUDGE STUDIOS and MISS HOLLYWOOD® are trademarks of Budge Studios Inc.

Miss Hollywood®: Lights, Camera, Fashion! © 2016 Budge Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved

New feature in Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came.

Minor improvements. Thank you for playing Miss Hollywood: Lights, Camera!

Image Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came.

Screenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot image

Comment on the Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came.

It’s been glitchy alot. I join the game and click on Miss Hollywood’s room. After that the bags glitch and I can’t click on anything so I am left with having to leave the game. I can’t play the game at all, all I can do is look at the characters you have to purchase.

Learn more
Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Go
The studio budget

January 27, 2022
Budge Studios™ presents Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Camera, Fashion! Join Miss Hollywood® and all her friends to live the celebrity life in their home in the Hollywood Hills! Go through the action of movie scenes with fun mini-games and win great prizes! Dress up in glamorous clothes and bring the house back to life with beautiful decorations! Experience the real movie magic and become a Hollywood superstar!

DECORATE all 7 rooms in your pet’s amazing mansion
Dress up your pet in cool clothes
Chase and jump into the helicopter!
TOUR film set
GIVE your friends their outfit of choice
change your way to the pirate treasure
Fly through the stars and space!
DANCE to Bollywood beats
Attend the premiere of your own film

MISS HOLLYWOOD®: the latest Chihuahua fashionista
PRINCESS: royal white cat
HOP: hip-hop bunny
MISS PUGGY: Hollywood actress
ALLIE: black rock star cat
MAX: game player
PAW DADDY: R&B flavored dog

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Budge Studios takes children’s privacy seriously and ensures that its apps comply with privacy laws. This app has received the “ESRB (Entertainment Rating Board) Certified Children’s Privacy Seal”. For more information, see our privacy policy: https://budgestudios.com/en/legal/privacy-policy/ or email our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

Before downloading this app, please note that it is free to try, but some content is only available through in-app purchases. In-app purchases cost real money and are charged to your account. Change your device settings to disable or adjust the ability to make in-app purchases. This app may contain contextual advertising (including the option to view ads for a reward) from Budge Studios in relation to other apps we publish from our partners and third parties. Budge Studios does not allow behavioral advertising or retargeting in this app. This app may also contain social links that can only be used behind the parental gate.

This software is subject to an End User License Agreement available through the following link: https://budgestudios.com/en/legal-embed/eula/

Budge Studios was founded in 2010 with a mission to entertain and educate children around the world through innovation, creativity and fun. The high-quality software portfolio includes original and branded features. Budge Studios maintains the highest standards of safety and age-appropriateness and has become a global leader in children’s applications for smartphones and tablets.

Visit us at: www.budgestudios.com
Like us: facebook.com/budgestudios
Follow us: @budgestudios
Watch our app trailer: youtube.com/budgestudios

We always welcome your questions, suggestions and comments. Contact us 24/7 at [email protected]

BUDGE, BUDGE STUDIOS and MISS HOLLYWOOD® are trademarks of Budge Studios Inc.

Miss Hollywood®: Lights, Camera, Fashion! © 2016 Budge Studios Inc. All rights reserved
Minor corrections. Thanks for playing Miss Hollywood: Lights, Camera!
It was so wrong. I joined the game and clicked on Miss Hollywood’s room. After that the bag had problems and I could not click on anything, so I had to leave the game. I can’t play the game, all I can do is look at the characters you have to buy.
Details Miss Hollywood® – Lights, Came

Originally posted on January 12, 2023 @ 8:54 pm

Update at 7:54 - 25/06/2023
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