[Code] Scroll of Onmyoji latest code 02/2025

Are you searching for rules Scroll of Onmyoji code? You’ve come to the right spot. Game Scroll of Onmyoji has been published by the EYOUGAME(USS) the category of Role-playing. The game has been rated with stars by players.

Game for ages Rated for 12+. Game Scroll of Onmyoji includes 500K+ downloads. Updated version May 20, 2022

Gameapparent.com – offers you the Scroll of Onmyoji code that we compiled in Scroll of Onmyoji that we created in the form of 26/02/2025. We hope to make it easier to play the game Scroll of Onmyoji.

GET A NEW CODE NOW! (Update 26/02/2025)

Scroll of Onmyoji latest code.

  • 1AB6E Modify this code to get 100 diamonds ( New)
  • 2AEA1 Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 2785C Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 2E10A Change this code to 150 Diamonds.
  • C605 Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 3238B Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 329CA Change this code to get 100 Diamonds.
  • 17BA0 You can exchange this coupon for 500 CoinsThen exchange it for 500 Coins.
  • 2C2C6 Use this code to earn 50 Diamonds
  • 13B73 Use this code to get 100 Diamonds
  • 1CC95 Exchange this code for gold item
  • 154F3 Exchange this code for a scarce item

Staying up to date…

Scroll of Onmyoji forever code.

  • 1F797
  • 1B92A
  • 1EF8E
  • 13C83
  • A1DE
  • 23A25
  • F2C1
  • 14A85
  • 30CF4
  • 2D286
  • 1B45F

Scroll of Onmyoji beginner code.

  • 1A89E
  • 1764D
  • 31391
  • 1ADA
  • 24A46
  • 8D66
  • 6AE2
  • A4F
  • 865F
  • 7BB7
  • 12F41

Scroll of Onmyoji event code.

  • 67CC
  • 2FF0D
  • 150FA
  • B968
  • 21765
  • 11052
  • 15A18
  • 2FD1C
  • 33C8B
  • B597
  • 33CDD
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How do I enter Scroll of Onmyoji code.

Step 1: Visit the homepage Scroll of Onmyoji

Step 2: Find the place where you can enter the gift code Scroll of Onmyoji

Step 3: Type in the gift code Scroll of Onmyoji

Updating details…

Hacking gold: How do you hack it Scroll of Onmyoji.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Introduction Scroll of Onmyoji.

“Scroll of Onmyoji: Sakura & Sword” adalah sebuah permainan MMOARPG Jepang yang super populer dengan gaya permainan yang kompetitif, cerita fantasi original, beserta dengan style Jepang yang indah. Suara permainan ini diisi oleh aktris dan aktor suara Jepang yang terkenal untuk memberikan anda pengalaman yang menyenangkan saat bermain. Game ini menerima rating yang sangat bagus dari pemain-pemain Jepang saat dirilis di Jepang dikarenakan dengan gameplay yang seru, style gambar yang memukau, dan tim aktor suara yang bertalenta.

Game ini berlatar belakang fantasi. Legenda mengatakan bahwa saat hari bertemu dengan malam, itu juga merupakan titik pertemuan Yin dan Yang. Iblis dan Shikigami Hantu telah dilepaskan ke dunia manusia, dan para Onmyoji harus melindungi kedamaian dunia dengan menghentikan invasi iblis!

[Fitur Game]—-Artwork Yang Memukau, Aktor Suara Kelas Atas—-
“Scroll of Onmyoji: Sakura & Sword” mempunyai aktor suara terbaik dari Jepang dan China yang memberikan pengalaman terbaik di dunia Yin dan Yang ini! Selain itu, pemandangan indah Kyoto kuno yang dibuat dengan hati-hati oleh designer kita memberikan individu sebuah perasaan sedang berada di Jepang kuno.

—-Juara Dunia, Siapa yang akan menjadi yang terbaik—-
Akan ada Onmyoji dari tempat berbeda di Arena Puncak, siapa yang akan menaklukkan arena? War Dunia juga akan diadakan dan Onmyoji dari seluruh dunia akan berkumpul dan bertanding untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Siapakah yang akan menjadi Onmyoji terkuat di Kyoto?

—-Perintah Shikigami, Segel Iblis—-
Kumpulkan fragmen roh dewa untuk summon roh dewa sebagai Shikigami anda. Shikigami ada 2 atribut——transform dan penempatan, dan juga beberapa atribut tertentu tersendiri seperti air, angin, api, petir, dll. Summon Shikigami anda dan dengan bantuan langit, ubah gelombang pertempuran!

—-Komunitas Guild, Keluarga Kedua Anda—-
Bergabung bersama di berbagai petualang dimana anda dan teman anda bertarung melawan boss, kalahkan monster kuat, dan masih banyak lagi~
Markas guild memberikan tempat aman dan hangat dimana anda dan teman anda bisa menghabiskan waktu bersama dan berkomunikasi~^^~

—-Cari Belahan Jiwa Anda Yang Ditakdirkan—-
Ikuti festival, pesta dansa, misi guild, dan masih banyak lagi bersama dengan yang anda cintai. Selain itu juga ada kegiatan eksklusif pasangan dan tempat rahasia yang tersedia hanya untuk anda berdua.

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—-Sistem Bayi Yang Unik, Besarkan Bayi Anda—-
Sistem bayi lucu telah tiba, besarkan bayi bersama dengan belahan jiwa anda, dan saksikan penampilan bayi yang berbeda seiring pertumbuhan mereka! Anda bahkan bisa membawa mereka bersama di petualangan dan pertempuran saat mereka tumbuh besar!

Kami menerima segala pertanyaan mengenai game ini, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami kapan saja!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScrollOnmyoji/
Support: [email protected]
Website: http://idso.eyougame.com/

New feature in Scroll of Onmyoji.

Image Scroll of Onmyoji.

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Comment on the Scroll of Onmyoji.

good game, graphics are also good, it’s just that this game auto-plays so it’s a bit boring

Learn more
Onmyoji Scroll

Rated for 12+
May 20, 2022
“Scroll of Onmyoji: Sakura & Sword” is a very popular Japanese MMOARPG game with competitive gameplay, original fantasy story and beautiful Japanese style. The sound of this game is full of famous Japanese artists and voice actors to provide a great experience while playing. The game received excellent ratings from Japanese gamers when it was released in Japan due to its fun gameplay, stunning graphics, and talented voice team.

This game has a fantasy background. According to legend, when the sun meets the night, it is also the meeting point of Yin and Yang. Demons and Ghost Shikigami have tried in the human world, and Onmyoji must protect the world by completing demonic attacks!

[Fitur Game]—- Beautiful artwork, top notch voice acting —-
“Scroll of Onmyoji: Sakura & Sword” features the best voice actors from Japan and China, providing the ultimate experience in the world of Yin and Yang! In addition, the beautiful scenery of ancient Kyoto, designed by our designers, gives a personal sense of being in ancient Japan.

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—-World Champion, who is the best—-
The Peak Arena has Onmyoji from different places, who can conquer the arena? A World War has also occurred and Onmyoji from all over the world are gathering and competing to be the best. Who will be the strongest Onmyoji in Kyoto?
—- Order of Shikigami, Demon Seal —-
Collect god spirit pieces to summon god spirits like shikigami. Shikigami has 2 attributes – transformation and position, as well as water, wind, fire, lightning, etc. some characters like Summon the Shikigami and turn the tide of battle with the help of the sky!
—-Guild Community, Your Second Family—-
You and your friends fight bosses, defeat powerful monsters, and more. join various adventures ~
The guild headquarters provides a safe and warm place where you and your friends can hang out and socialize ~^^~
—-Find Your Destined Soul Mate—-
Play with your loved ones at festivals, dances, guild quests, and more. included. In addition, there are also exclusive couple activities and secret areas just for the two of you.

—- Amazing baby system, grow your baby —-
The cute baby system has arrived, raise babies with the look of your soul and watch different babies as they grow! You can also take on adventures and battles as they grow!

If you have any questions about this game, feel free to contact us at any time!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScrollOnmyoji/ Support: [email protected] Website: http://idso.eyougame.com/
the game is nice, the graphics are nice, this game is only autoplay so it’s a bit boring
Details Scroll of Onmyoji

Originally posted on August 11, 2022 @ 10:51 pm

Update at 7:25 - 30/06/2023
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