[Code] Submarine Pirates latest code 03/2025

Are you searching for rules Submarine Pirates code? You’ve come to the right spot. Game Submarine Pirates has been published by the Fusion17 Software the category of Simulation. The game has been rated with stars by players.

Game for ages Rated for 12+. Game Submarine Pirates includes 100K+ downloads. Updated version Jun 28, 2015

Gameapparent.com – offers you the Submarine Pirates code that we compiled in Submarine Pirates that we created in the form of 27/03/2025. We hope to make it easier to play the game Submarine Pirates.

GET A NEW CODE NOW! (Update 27/03/2025)

Submarine Pirates latest code.

  • E0C0 Modify this code to get 100 diamonds ( New)
  • 27DB2 Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 21B29 Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 18A2 Change this code to 150 Diamonds.
  • 1F778 Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 1066B Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 4377 Change this code to get 100 Diamonds.
  • 189FF You can exchange this coupon for 500 CoinsThen exchange it for 500 Coins.
  • 304E7 Use this code to earn 50 Diamonds
  • 179D2 Use this code to get 100 Diamonds
  • C6AA Exchange this code for gold item
  • C97F Exchange this code for a scarce item

Staying up to date…

Submarine Pirates forever code.

  • 2E369
  • D289
  • 26823
  • 21C49
  • 13E6C
  • 34691
  • B24
  • 2214D
  • 1C49E
  • 28A54
  • 19198

Submarine Pirates beginner code.

  • 2BA59
  • 1F1FB
  • 1DF00
  • 2AFFB
  • 24D8
  • 4E1A
  • 622D
  • 23C18
  • 16689
  • 32414
  • B368

Submarine Pirates event code.

  • 261E7
  • CFD9
  • 9C2
  • 30D71
  • 31AE2
  • 21ECB
  • 160A7
  • 2A643
  • 2BA35
  • 1AD92
  • 2CD57

How do I enter Submarine Pirates code.

Step 1: Visit the homepage Submarine Pirates

Step 2: Find the place where you can enter the gift code Submarine Pirates

Step 3: Type in the gift code Submarine Pirates

Updating details…

Hacking gold: How do you hack it Submarine Pirates.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Introduction Submarine Pirates.

Submarine Pirates is a Modern tactical submarine combat simulator on your Android Phone and Tablet! Its completely free , no ads, no in app purchases! The game is a mix of the warfare strategy and an arcade game style. You have to care whit your ship control, resources, potential dangers and whit the offense-defense tactics.

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The Story

In the year of 2020 started a new Cold War for the resources and for the Antarctic territory between the word leaders. The Cold War continues to expand for the resources with heavy military present in the Antarctic Ocean .Total is around 200 ships, including U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups, many additional surface combatants (frigates through cruisers), floating bases , numerous submarines and multiple URGs (underway replenishment groups) to keep all the warships fueled, munitioned.

We are the the submarine pirates a small independent group in the Antarctic area. Our goal is reduce the military activity around our base and our oil-rigs . We have to protect our floating bases and oil resources to be able to survive. Everybody in the this area is a potential enemy and everybody want to get our resources. We have to clear up our area every day. The floating ice mountains changes everything on each day. Sometimes we have really hard time to accomplish our missions. Fortunately we have many secret technology in our hand like teleportation , doomsday device , hacking tools and shield technology to be able to fight against many enemy.

Game Requirements

– The Game run stable just on a newer and stronger android devices ( ie. Samsung Galaxy S6, Nexus 5) . If your device is older than the Nexus 7 ( Tegra ) than the game can freeze. The game can cause on many device a restart.

– The game is compiled whit ETC2 ( GLS 3.0 ) Texture compression. If your device not support this texture compression that it can cause some performance issue or game crash.

Game features

– Different missions on a fully adjustable random generated map. You never get the same situation twice.
– Different enemies and objects like Aircraft Carriers , vessels, Submarines , Civilian ships , Airplanes, Helicopters , UFO`s… and more.
– Complex game play, this is more a strategy-arcade game.
– Modern submarine features like EMP weapons, technology items, teleportation , torpedo hacking tools, damage boosters, air resupply, tomahawk missiles .
– You can upgrade more than 30 ability of your ship. More than 250 upgrade point can be used.
– More different types of warships and battleships.
– The first Submarine vs. Submarines game play on mobile.
– Realistic ship movement. You have to learn to navigate between the ice mountains. Your ship turns really slow so you have to be careful whit your speed and heading.
– Several floating base and object where you can resupply and save your items.
– Ability to adjust the graphic quality.
– High graphics level and modern style GUI system.

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Known Issues and game crashes:

We are using Unity 3D engine which have several issue on some android device. There is no a general settings which will provide a crash free solution an all existing device. So if you have some crash or Black Screen issue than simply there is some hardware or software conflict between unity engine and your device. As long we are using an engine and several issue is independent form us please not rate negatively immediately the game if its crashing.

Game Tips and FAQ on http://fusion17.com/wordpress/?page_id=172

New feature in Submarine Pirates.

Image Submarine Pirates.

Screenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot imageScreenshot image

Comment on the Submarine Pirates.

The gameplay is good. The controls for the submarine can be a bit tricky but one will eventually master after some time. It’s got great potential if further developed, which hopefully will be picked up even if it’s already been years since the last update. Also would like options for a different class of submarine. It feels good to play the game again after quite a long time.

Learn more
Underwater pirate
The Fusion17 software

Rated for 12+
June 28, 2015
Submarine Pirates is a modern tactical submarine combat simulator on your Android phones and tablets! It’s completely free, no ads, no in-app purchases! The game is a mix of war strategy and arcade game style. You have to worry about managing your ship, resources, potential threats and defensive tactics.

The story

In 2020, a new Cold War begins for resources and the Antarctic region between the discussed leaders. The Cold War continued to escalate over resources with a strong military presence in the Antarctic Ocean. There are about 200 ships in total, including a US aircraft strike group, many additional surface combatants (cruisers through frigates), floating bases, several submarines, and several URG (undergoing replenishment group), ammunition for resupply of all warships.

We are a small crew of independent submarine pirates in Antarctic territory. Our goal is to reduce military activity around our bases and oil platforms. We need to protect our floating bases and oil reserves to survive. Everyone in this area is a potential enemy and everyone wants to get their hands on our resources. We have to clean our place every day. Floating icebergs change things every day. Sometimes we really struggle to complete our mission. Fortunately, we have many hidden technologies at our disposal, such as teleportation, doomsday devices, hacking tools and shield technologies to overcome many enemies.

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Game requirements

– The game works stably only on newer and more powerful Android devices (eg Samsung Galaxy S6, Nexus 5). If your device is older than Nexus 7 (Tegra), the game may freeze. The game may cause multiple devices to restart.

– The game is designed with ETC2 Texture compression (GLS 3.0). If your device does not support this texture compression, it may cause some performance issues or games crash.

Features of the game

– Various missions on a completely customizable randomly generated map. You can never be in the same situation twice.
– Various enemies and objects such as aircraft carriers, ships, submarines, civilian ships, planes, helicopters, UFOs and more.
– The complex game is more than a strategy-arcade game.
– Modern submarine features such as EMP weapons, tech items, teleportation, torpedo hack tools, damage boosters, air supply, tomahawk missiles.
– You can upgrade more than 30 abilities of your ship. More than 250 upgrade points will be available.
– Many warships and warships.
– Play the first mobile game Submarine vs Submarine.
– Realistic ship movement. You have to learn to navigate between the frozen mountains. Your ship turns very slowly, so you have to pay attention to your speed and direction.
– Many bases and floating objects where you can supply and hide your items.
– Ability to adjust the quality of the graphic.
– High level graphics and modern style GUI system.

Common problems and crashes in the game:

We use the Unity 3D engine, which has some problems on some Android devices. There is no common setting that provides an interference-free solution for all available devices. So if you have any crash or Black Screen problem then there is some hardware or software conflict between the integration engine and your device. As long as we use the engine and some problems are beyond our control, please do not rollback the game directly in case of a crash.

Game tips and FAQ at http://fusion17.com/wordpress/?page_id=172
The game is good. Controlling the submarines can be a bit tricky, but eventually everyone gets the hang of it. Although it has been years since the last update, it has great potential if developed further. It also asked for options for different types of submarines. It’s nice to be able to play the game again after a long time.
Details Submarine Pirates

Originally posted on November 4, 2022 @ 9:10 am

Update at 4:04 - 15/06/2023
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