[Code] War of the Three Kingdoms latest code 10/2024

Are you searching for rules War of the Three Kingdoms code? You’ve come to the right spot. Game War of the Three Kingdoms has been published by the Indofun Games the category of Strategy. The game has been rated with stars by players.

Game for ages Rated for 12+. Game War of the Three Kingdoms includes 100K+ downloads. Updated version Dec 22, 2021

Gameapparent.com – offers you the War of the Three Kingdoms code that we compiled in War of the Three Kingdoms that we created in the form of 17/10/2024. We hope to make it easier to play the game War of the Three Kingdoms.

GET A NEW CODE NOW! (Update 17/10/2024)

War of the Three Kingdoms latest code.

  • 1D18E Modify this code to get 100 diamonds ( New)
  • 2146A Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 312E7 Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 3C61 Change this code to 150 Diamonds.
  • 282AD Exchange this code to get 500 Gold.
  • 7BDB Enter this code in order to receive 50 Diamonds
  • 1CE79 Change this code to get 100 Diamonds.
  • 29375 You can exchange this coupon for 500 CoinsThen exchange it for 500 Coins.
  • 18A56 Use this code to earn 50 Diamonds
  • 2705 Use this code to get 100 Diamonds
  • 86D5 Exchange this code for gold item
  • 2B942 Exchange this code for a scarce item

Staying up to date…

War of the Three Kingdoms forever code.

  • 2D81D
  • 4F37
  • 157B3
  • 21356
  • 1169A
  • 1F467
  • 5525
  • 1D57F
  • 141AC
  • 7B73
  • 13367

War of the Three Kingdoms beginner code.

  • 1D10F
  • 2A0D2
  • 1D9FE
  • B7B8
  • 2E8AE
  • 1B3B2
  • 10530
  • 10701
  • 331F
  • 2B22D
  • 143F1
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War of the Three Kingdoms event code.

  • 19778
  • 15924
  • 55D2
  • 2D161
  • 10132
  • 22A97
  • 1E8BD
  • 1BFF4
  • 1D27D
  • BD22
  • 11AD1

How do I enter War of the Three Kingdoms code.

Step 1: Visit the homepage War of the Three Kingdoms

Step 2: Find the place where you can enter the gift code War of the Three Kingdoms

Step 3: Type in the gift code War of the Three Kingdoms

Updating details…

Hacking gold: How do you hack it War of the Three Kingdoms.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Introduction War of the Three Kingdoms.

Login Dan Alami Serunya Peperangan Tanpa Akhir
Gift Code : w3k123

War of the Three Kingdoms adalah mobile game dengan kombinasi genre tebaru Strategi x RPG, dengan latar belakang cerita Perang Tiga Kerajaan, Kamu akan merasakan intesitas perang strategi real-time multiplayer terbaru dengan sistem open world yang sangat besar. Bangun pasukan terkuat dan rekrut Jendral Tiga Kerajaan Legendaris untuk memimpin mereka, Perkuat kerajaanmu dan satukan kekuatan seluruh Negara untuk perang wilayah paling intens, perluas wilayah, kuasai seluruh sumberdaya dan bersaing untuk menguasai Takhta Kaisar!

★War of the Three Kingdoms★

Pimpin Pasukan Di Real-Time Massive War

Kamu akan memerintah pasukan terbesar dan mengendalikan ribuan pasukan secara Real-Time, persiapkan taktik perang penuh kejutan untuk menghajar lawan dan menguasai seluruh kota. Panggil bala bantuan dan siapkan dirimu untuk semua kemungkinan yang akan datang.

Jelajahi Map Open World Terbesar

Kota-Kota terkenal pada Zaman Tiga Kerajaan Luo Yang, Chang An, Xu Chang hingga Tebing Merah siap untuk dijelajahi, kamu bebas melakukan petualangan di Dunia Tiga Kerajaan dengan lebih dari 200 Kota, kuasai seluruh kota dengan berbagai sumber daya untuk memperkuat Kerajaan dan pasukanmu.

Bangun Pasukan Perang Hebat

Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei hingga Zhao Yun siap untuk membantumu dimedan perang, rekrut dan perkuat mereka dengan Relic suci untuk meningkatkan kekuatan, gabungkan mereka unutk membuka Ultimate Combo terdahsyat yang akan menghancurkan seluruh lawan di Medan perang.

Bekerja Sama Menguasai Negara

Kamu tidak akan bisa menguasa Negara seorang diri, ajak semua teman, bangun komunitasmu dan taklukan lawan bersama-sama! bekerjasama untuk menguasai seluruh sumberdaya! persiapkan dirimu untuk menguasai singgasana takhta kaisar!

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Even Seru Non-Stop 24/7

Event-Event seru dengan hadiah menarik akan selalu menemanimu, kamu bisa mengikuti event setiap saat dan dapatkan banyak hadiah untuk memperkuat Pasukanmu untuk menjadi yang terkuat di medan perang.

Akses Permission
Storage Permission: Untuk menyimpan data in-game, Screenshot dan Video.

Komunitas Resmi War of The Three Kingdoms
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New feature in War of the Three Kingdoms.

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Image War of the Three Kingdoms.

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Comment on the War of the Three Kingdoms.

Have been playing for a month or two, but already had enough. Actually this game looked promising, developer was generous enough. But the map was confusing. Personally I think it’s better to make it on horizontal orientation rather than vertical. Time needed to walk from city to city was too long. If you chose wrong way, you also couldn’t stop the gen. What a waste of time. And it’s P2W game. So if you want to enjoy, be a whale or just chill. 🙂

Learn more
War of the Three Kingdoms
Indofun Games

Rated for 12+
December 22, 2021
Log in and Experience the Excitement of Infinity War
Gift code: w3k123

The War of the Three Kingdoms is the latest Strategy x RPG genre fusion mobile game, with the background story of the War of the Three Kingdoms, you will feel the intensity of the latest real-time multiplayer war strategy with a huge open world. system Build the strongest army and recruit the Generals of the Three Legendary Kingdoms to lead them, strengthen your Empire and consolidate the power of the whole country for the most extreme territory, expand the territory, dominate all the resources and compete for the throne !

War of the Three Kingdoms ★

Lead the troops in Massive Battle in Real Time

Command the largest army and control the army in Real-Time mode, make surprise battle tactics to defeat your opponent and capture the whole city. Call in reinforcements and prepare for whatever comes next.

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Explore the world’s largest open map

The famous cities of the Three Kingdoms Luo Yang, Chang An, Xu Chang to the Red Cliff are ready to explore, you can go on an adventure in the Three Kingdoms of the World with more than 200 cities and dominate all the cities with different resources. Strengthen the kingdom and the army.

Create a large warband

Send Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun to help you on the battlefield, recruit and strengthen them with Holy Relics to increase their power, combine them to be ready to unlock the Ultimate Combo that destroys all opponents on the battlefield. .

Work together to dominate the country

You can’t manage the country alone, you can’t invite all your friends, you can’t build your own community and defeat the enemy together! know how to master all the resources! Get ready to rule the throne of the Imperial Throne!

Also enjoy non-stop 24/7

Exciting events with attractive gifts will always accompany you, you can participate in events at any time and get more gifts to strengthen your troops to become the strongest on the battlefield.

Permission to access
Storage Permission: To save data in the game, Screenshots and Videos.

The War of the Three Kingdoms Official Community
Official Facebook:
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Official Twitter:
I’ve been playing for a few months now, but that’s enough. Actually, this game looks promising, the developer is quite generous. But the map is confusing. Personally, I think it’s better to orient it horizontally than vertically. It takes a long time to walk from town to town. You can’t even stop the genes if you choose the wrong path. Waste of time. And this is a P2W game. So if you want to enjoy yourself, be a whale or just relax. 🙂
Details War of the Three Kingdoms

Originally posted on September 21, 2022 @ 6:21 pm

Update at 21:34 - 04/07/2023
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