Minecraft 1.19: Spellcraft DLC adds free magic to the game

Spellcraft Minecraft DLC This is one of the best plugins to date thanks to its ability to create up to 20,000 beautiful. Here’s what you need to know about the DLC Minecraft 1.19 Spellcraft.

Spellcraft DLC in Minecraft has a lot of content and effects
Spellcraft DLC in Minecraft has a lot of content and effects

Magic is still a hot topic in the Minecraft community. Most players want Mojang to add more magical elements to the game. Some manufacturers even create mods and add-ons to do this themselves. With the arrival of the Spellcraft DLC, Minecraft players don’t have to wait much longer. It adds many free magical features to Minecraft.

Spellcraft DLC in Minecraft

  • How to get Minecraft Spellcraft DLC
  • Spellcraft DLC for Minecraft
    • New Scripting API

How to get Minecraft Spellcraft DLC

This is the official DLC for Bedrock Edition platform players that can be downloaded from the Minecraft Marketplace. This is the store page for the DLC: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=f5cc05fc-616a-4963-a02b-5db3fcc9e311. No Java version is currently available, but may appear in the future.

The Spellcraft DLC is available in the Minecraft store
The Spellcraft DLC is available in the Minecraft store

While Spellcraft isn’t as good as the game’s mod spells, it’s still worth buying because it’s free. Minecraft magic systems are usually nothing more than magic, so the idea of ​​a real magic system to change it is interesting.

Spellcraft DLC for Minecraft

By installing the DLC, players are free to create thousands of spell combinations including different elements and effects. You can also upgrade their skills over time to gain more power, thus unlocking more spells.

Fight against many dangerous enemies from another world
Fight against many dangerous enemies from another world

The core gameplay of Minecraft – building, of course – remains the same. To create magical combinations, players need Runes to further expand their hidden treasures.

While spell crafting is an important part of this DLC, it’s not just about Spellcraft. In addition to the weak monsters in the game, players need multiple targets to cast spells. This is where magic comes into play, allowing players to teleport to different locations to fight the monsters that live there. Fight against evil vampires, giant ice spiders, arcanists who specialize in magic, and more.

Experience more magical spells in the Spellcraft DLC
Try more spells in the Spellcraft DLC

New Scripting API

Spellcraft has released a new API script for the Bedrock version of Minecraft. It adds many features to the game that were previously only possible with mods. Players can now capture the health bars of both normal and broken enemies. Additionally, there is also an on-screen timer for the player to watch for loot boxes falling through the cracks.

Here’s what you need to know Spellcraft DLC 1.19 in Minecraft. We hope the article is useful for you.

Originally posted on August 5, 2022 @ 11:54 pm

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