Minecraft commands It will give you a more interesting “magic cube” game experience. That’s it All commands in Minecraft PE and other versions.
For those who do not have much experience and skills Play Minecraft It is very normal for them to help themselves with some cheat codes, cheat commands. The following article will introduce some Minecraft game commands for your initial gaming convenience.

Minecraft although the interface and graphics of the game are not beautiful, the content is not interesting, the sound is average, but it is one of the few titles that are classic, famous and popular in the whole world. . However, the main attraction of this magic box is the Infinite World style of play. Players must do everything realistic in the game to survive, develop or build their own masterpiece.
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How to use cheat commands in Minecraft
Earlier, Download.vn introduced you some Basic Minecraft CommandsHowever, this is only a command to perform operations in the game, which can be understood as a pure command, not so much to deceive. And today’s article will list another command that will help you implement and do things that even the most experienced Miners cannot do, no matter how you play.
You can press the button to enter cheat codes while playing Minecraft the key o BILLIONS enter the code as usual to display the command panel. However, before that, you also need to activate the cheat code mode for the game:
- Select the mode on on Allow cheats to create a new world (Creating a New World)
- Or open while playing Game menu except, choose Open for LAN and then activate it Allow cheats good guide
How to enter commands in Minecraft
If you want to enter Minecraft Java or Bedrock code, remember that every command must start with a slash. /
, but using the console shortcut will automatically add this prefix. Therefore, you only have to enter the commands that you want to use in Minecraft.
Minecraft commands are also case sensitive. Note that capital letters are not allowed.
How to Get Minecraft Code on PC – Minecraft Java
To use Minecraft commands or cheats on PC, all you have to do is log in to the game, click /
to open the control panel. Alternatively, you can enter the cheat code through the chat window.
Click for Java Edition (PC/Mac), Windows 10 Edition, Education Edition T
to open the chat window.
How To Enter Minecraft Cheat Codes In Console – Minecraft Bedrock
- Press the D-Pad button on the remote to enter Minecraft commands on Xbox One, PS4.
- Press the right arrow button on the remote to access Minecraft cheats on Nintendo Switch.
Specifically, our Minecraft team table will look like this:
- Gamemode 0: Switch the game to Survival mode
- / Game Mode 1: Switch the game to Creative mode
- / Gamemode 2: Switch the game to Adventure mode
- Game Mode 3: Switch to Spectator Mode (Watch Mode)
- Gamerule commandBlockOutput false: Disable command block output
- Gamerule showDeathMessages: Disable death messages
- Gamerule doFireTick false: Prevents fire from spreading
- The wrong doDaylightCycle game: Turn off the time cycle
- Gamerule keepInventory true: Keep your inventory after death
- /kill @r: Kill all players (randomized)
- /kill @e: Kills all creatures in the game
- /kill @a: Kills all players in the game
- /kill @p: Kill the player closest to your location
- /time set 18000: Set at night
- /time set 6000: Set the time to noon
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 22 [Giây][level 1-255]: to swallow
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 15 [Giây][level 1-255]: Cor
- / effect [Tên người chơi] twelfth [Giây][level 1-255]: fire protection
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 3 [Giây][level 1-255]: Hurry up
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 21 [Giây][level 1-255]: Recovery of HP
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 17 [Giây][level 1-255]: Starve the character
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 7 [Giây][level 1-255]: Deals instant damage
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 6 [Giây][level 1-255]: Instantly reduces the character’s health (HP)
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 14 [Giây][level 1-255]: You don’t see
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 8 [Giây][level 1-255]: Jump
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 4 [Giây][level 1-255]: Mining is more difficult
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 9 [Giây][level 1-255]: Causes nausea
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 16 [Giây][level 1-255]: Better night vision, night mode
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 19 [Giây][level 1-255]: Nausea
- / effect [Tên người chơi] TEN [Giây][level 1-255]: Reconstruction, reconstruction
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 11 [Giây][level 1-255]: Rehabilitation
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 23 [Giây][level 1-255]: Satiety (hungry mode)
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 2 [Giây][level 1-255]: Reduce speed to maximum
- / effect [Tên người chơi] first [Giây][level 1-255]: Acceleration
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 5 [Giây][level 1-255]: Louder
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 13 [Giây][level 1-255]: Breathing underwater
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 18 [Giây][level 1-255]: Health decreases, weakens
- / effect [Tên người chơi] 20 [Giây][level 1-255]: Weakness of wood
In addition, there are other special commands:
- put a rainbow: If you call the sheep you have jeb_ then the fur will continue to change colors like a rainbow.
- Return any animal: Use a name tag and place it on any animal to return it. Interesting, but this name tag must be obtained by crafting (using 3.4 iron ingots), searching the Dungeon, fishing, or trading with the villagers (commercial value must be 20 new Emeralds). This command is also only available in version 1.8.1.
- Screen aspect ratio: Hold down + while playing F3.
- See the current delay: press and hold the button F6 while playing.
- Change the perspective: If you play in Survival mode (alive), you can press F5 change the perspective and change the third person view.
- Let it rain: Press F5 Creatively (Creative) to make it rain.
- Instant village creation (aka. country seeds). Use the /gimmeabreak/ command in a wide, wide area and face the sun, and soon a village will appear behind you.
- Duplicate the object map: If the way to play MultiplayerYou can clone the created object using:
- rush ONE billion keys to open the chat box
- Then enter the command / gives an element id [1-64] there is put on
Each item in the game Minecraft is assigned a special number from 1 to 64. Enter the code that corresponds to the item you want to increase the number. However, not everything can be cloned, especially colored wool and special dyes.
For instance:
Give item 1: Buy more gems (not gems)
Give / item ID 50: Create more flares
/ Give item 35: Take more wool, white wool
- Dungeons are easy to find: Before doing this, make sure you have a lot of torches, weapons, and maybe a whole village, do the following:
- Go to the area you suspect is a dungeon.
- rush ESCput on Options – Options.
- Change the game difficulty from any mode to Hard mode.
- Close the number and press F3.
- Now you can see from the ground, especially underground, you can see ID strips, these are monster IDs, and if you see a group of IDs gathered together, this part is probably an entrance or entrance. the center of a particular Dungeon.
Although not all the time, and it must be accurate, but remember that the player must press F3 several times to do this trick. And if there is fire in the sky, this is an indication that there is a Dungeon within 16 blocks of your location.
- help, help [tên lệnh] – Provides additional information about a given command.
- Teleport: /tp [Người chơi mục tiêu] xyz – Used to teleport alone or send other players to a specific location in the world. Placing the other player’s name in the correct coordinates will take the target directly to the player’s location. You can also go to new worlds on the Minecraft map.
- Wind: / wind Season Style – Allows you to choose a season or world. Options include: rain, thunder and snow.
- Make peace with trouble: / peace with trouble – Change the difficulty of peaceful mode. For more challenges, replace peaceful with easy, normal or hard.
- How to find the world seed code: /seed – This will generate the code for your world, save it so you can download that code in the future.
- Call: /call – Instantly bring any creature or thing you want into your world, especially useful if you need good wild cats.

Avoid getting lost and know you are close to the ground
New players often love to explore, but if they stop doing so, especially in a lonely cave, they can easily get lost and end up in an unknown place, far from their beloved home. I can’t remember where I slept recently, and if you want to return to the spawn / favorite place, forget to copy the X, Y, Z values for future editors, then apply the following trick so as not to waste time . : :
- Systematic discovery: If you see one or more forks in the road, examine them one by one. If you reach the end point and there is almost nothing, mark or use a regular block (such as gravel) to block the path.
- Place the fried bread: When mining and researching, be sure to cut the intersection into small pieces, using rocks or other solid blocks of land, such as exit markers or ore blocks. I have your idea where to start next. While this greatly affects your choice of movement, knowing your way back is more valuable than a tool, especially when wood is still plentiful in wild mines.
- Leave natural areas: Take the first source of water that you don’t know where it is, but leave everything else. Some of the water flowing in the walls will be useful for exploration. Also, if you see lava on the road, don’t go out to get it. The glass emits light that can be incorporated into the structure. It is a good source of natural light.
- Know the road and if there is lava: Since Minecraft Beta 1.8 with an improved lighting engine, it is easier to know when it is close to the ground. The flashlight emits a light that gradually changes to a warmer tone. Lava has a larger light radius. This means that the brightest spot is also larger. If you see that the light does not work, it is a clear lake of lava. On the other hand, outdoor light uses cooler colors. When you’re close to the ground, it doesn’t have the heat of a torch, but glows more like a white or pale blue rock at night.
These are some basic cheat commands that you can use while playing Minecraft, combine these commands with the operation commands that you already know to play the game better. In addition, you also need to be careful computer configuration Before installing and playing Minecraft (or trying to update More RAM for Minecraft if).
We hope you like it!
Originally posted on August 5, 2022 @ 11:49 pm