Shortcuts to play Hiep Kha Giang Ho game

Hiep Kha Giang Ho is a very interesting role-playing game. Creating a realistic character, next to the original character of the famous comic series of the same name – Hiep Khac Giang Ho.

Hiep Giang Ho for Android Hiep Khac Giang Ho for iOS

like hot games like PUBG, Rules of Survival, PUBG Mobile VNG, Hiep Kha Giang Ho also has its own shortcut system to help players control and maneuver the game faster. Therefore, we invite you to follow the list of Hiep Khac Giang Ho game shortcuts in the following article:

List of keyboard shortcuts to play Hiep Kha Giang Ho game

  • Main hotkeys in Hiep Kha Giang Ho game
  • Hiep Kha Giang Ho game commands

Main hotkeys in Hiep Kha Giang Ho game

Hot buttons Domain
Ctrl + Image Invitation to the party
Ctrl+T I invite you to do business
Ctrl+C Delivery
Ctrl+R Go run
Ctrl+D Invitation to join the guild
Ctrl+E Personal equipment
Ctrl + WILL State of character
Ctrl+O/Esc selection
Ctrl+A originated
Ctrl+U mailbox
Ctrl+Y open a shop
Ctrl+F Martial arts
Ctrl+Q Mission
Ctrl+G sect
Ctrl+Z Please help
Ctrl+X Click to Close (PvP)
Ctrl + CLEAR master connection
Ctrl+I Summary of features
Alt+L Wife/wife relationship
Print Screen Take a picture of the game
Alt+T Casual conversations
Alt+F Group chat
Alt+C Fun conversation
Alt+B Business conversation
Alt+G Guild chat
Alt+W Sound transmission

Hiep Kha Giang Ho game commands

Place an order Domain
/ findparty Find a party
/ invitation Invite to a party
/ trade SURGERY
/ combination Invitation to the guild
/ reghouse registration of the union
/ out of Expulsion from the guild
/ from home Leaving the guild
/ destination header Change clan owner
/ transport home Movement in the sect
/ asks Respect the teacher
/ intern invitation Accept students
/ leave the contact Rejecting monastic behavior
/ shop open open a shop
/ packing shop Closed the store
/ come out thank you dear
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Originally posted on August 8, 2022 @ 6:18 pm

Update at 14:01 - 29/06/2023
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