What is the Morality of Axie Infinity?

What is the Moral Ax? How to use Morale in Axie Infinity? Let’s learn with Download.vn!

What is the Morality of Axie Infinity?

NFT games are gaining popularity with the growing trend of playing virtual currency. Many people choose NFT because they can play and earn money at the same time, and Axie Infinity is one of the most popular NFT games.

When you play Axie Infinity, you collect AXS tokens by playing them and use them to determine the direction of future development. In addition to earning tokens, you can also participate in exciting Axie matches with opponents from around the world. If you want to win, you need to create a strong team, a harmonious combination of new elements that can defeat the enemy. Each Axie has its strengths and weaknesses on the genotype. With billions of possible gene combinations, the Axie Infinity experience will never repeat itself or stop being fun.

The Axie in the game has 4 attributes including Health, Speed, Dexterity and Strength. Each breed has a specific effect on your pet. Who is most interested in Moral Axie.

  • Download Axie Infinity
  • Download Axie Infinity for Android
  • Download Axie Infinity for iOS

What you need to know about Morale in Axie Infinity

  • What is the Morality of Axie Infinity?
    • Spirit Axie Increases Infinity’s critical moment
    • Excitement increases the chance of entering Axie Infinity’s Last Stand
    • Morale can decide who to attack first
  • The Aixe class has the highest Morale of Axie Infinity
  • How to increase morale stat in Axie Infinity

What is the Morality of Axie Infinity?

Morale is an attribute that gives Axie the following abilities:

  • Increases the chance of critical hits.
  • Increases the chance of entering the Last Stand.
  • It is possible to know who attacked first.

Spirit Axie Increases Infinity’s critical hit chance

This is its main use Spirit of Axie Infinity. When Axie hits a critical, it deals 200% or double damage to defended targets.

Critical hit chance is random. However, Axie has high Morale, making this move more likely than other types.

Attacker-type Axie benefits greatly from having high Morale, because the more critical hits you use, the easier it is to take down your opponent.

Excitement increases the chance of entering Axie Infinity’s Last Stand

If Axie takes a critical hit, Axie will die or have a reduced chance of entering Last Stand.

As he enters the final stand, he will continue to stand for one more time before going up completely and disappearing from the game. This mode allows Axie to make extra moves at the last minute that increase her chances of winning.

The final battle of Axie Infinity

Morale can decide who to attack first

Attacks in the PvP arena are determined by Axie’s speed meter. The animal with the highest speed will attack first. However, if two or more Axies have the same speed stat, Axie Infinity will compare their HPs (animals with lower HP will be hit first).

What if all Axies have the same HP? Axie Infinitiy will continuously compare the following statistics to decide who will act first:

  1. The maximum speed
  2. Lower HP
  3. Ultimate skill
  4. The spirit is the highest

So in a close “even, even” matchup, the Axie with the higher Morale has a better chance of moving first.

The Aixe class has the highest Morale of Axie Infinity

  • Animals – 43 Ethics
  • Bug – 39 Soul
  • Birds, plants and reptiles – 35 souls
  • Dawn and Dusk – 31 Souls
  • Mech & Aqua – 27 Spirit

The moral type of the Aixe monster is 61, the highest.

How to increase morale stat in Axie Infinity

Animal and insect bodies get +3 morale, while bird and plant bodies get +1 morale ax. Because of this, Beast and Bug type pets are the most popular to deal damage to Axie.

Some skill cards like Self Rally and Rampant Howl also temporarily boost Axie’s Morale.

Morale Card in Axie Infinity

It is at the top Everything you need to know about Morale in Axie Infinity. We hope the article is useful for you.

Originally posted on August 5, 2022 @ 3:01 pm

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