How to get both Guardians Trixie and Jade in EverWing

Trixie and Jade are two powerful Guardians that every EverWing player wants to have, in addition to the hacks that players use to unlock the characters, here are tips that real players can use to get these two characters. will show you what these two Guardians are.

How to have the two most powerful EverWing Guardians

1 Tournament Mission

Mission tour this is also a way to open chests to get these two characters. This task is usually found in the main interface of the game. Therefore, this task only has a chance to win and it also requires players who have many friends, so it is still a difficult task for most players.

Mission Tournament

Along with Jade and Trixie, Ton is also sought after by many players in this bonus table because this type of dragon has a very strong set of additional skills.


2. Invite friends and “strangers”.

Invite friends

Instead of inviting friends, what we can do is invite them “foreigners” In the EverWing invitation table, you can invite exactly fan page All genres you can find in the search including brands like LV, D&G or BeatVN, BeatTroll…

Invite friendsTrixie

You can also use invitation skills and bonus locks with this invitation method. Some actors recommend that if you see a character or an item in a box after the first boot you need to open, just open the box that appears. Up to 80%, if not 100%, of players will unlock the character they need to find in their next unlock.

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Good luck.

Originally posted on August 25, 2022 @ 5:36 pm

Update at 12:14 - 07/07/2023
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