Iris in Free Fire: skills, weapons, combinations of skills

Iris is the newest female character in Free Fire OB35, which has the ability to degrade meth. Here’s everything you need to know How to play iris in garena free fire.

Iris in free fire

How to play Iris in Free Fire

  • Story and visual design by Iris
    • The story
    • design
  • Iris Skills in Free Fire
  • Combining skills for Iris in Free Fire
    • Morocco
    • Nairi
    • Nikita

Story and visual design by Iris

The story

Having good vision, Free Fire Iris is able to predict the movements of the enemy to have a chance to win. If you’re worried that their excessive snobbery, indifference and individualism will affect teamwork, forget it. Iris never cooperates with anyone except Homer – who accepts her unconditionally and always cleans up all her messes.

Temple Fire has an interesting creativity when they combine Iris – a character with excellent eyesight and Homer – a blind man.


Iris is designed to be attractively similar to Steffie but with a pink primary color.

Free Fire Iris skills

Active Ability: Wall Battle

Stutter We can do it
first Within 5 seconds after using the skill, the user can attack a sticky bomb to mark the location of an enemy within 7m, and also penetrate the sticky bomb to deal damage. Maximum effect of 3 Gloo Walls. Recovery: 80 seconds.
2 Within 6 seconds after casting the skill, the user can attack sticky bombs to mark enemy positions within 7m and shoot sticky bombs to damage enemies. Maximum effect of 3 Gloo Walls. Recovery: 75 seconds
3 Within 7 seconds after casting the skill, the user can attack sticky bombs to mark enemy positions within 7m and shoot sticky bombs to damage enemies. Maximum effect of 4 Gloo Walls. Recovery: 70 seconds.
4 Within 8 seconds after casting the skill, the user can attack with a sticky bomb to mark the location of the enemy within 7m and hit the sticky bomb to damage the enemy. Maximum effect of 3 Gloo Walls. Recovery: 65 seconds.
5 Within 9 seconds after casting the skill, the user can attack a sticky bomb to mark the enemy’s location within 7m and stab the sticky bomb to damage the enemy. Maximum effect of 5 Gloo Walls. Recovery: 60 seconds.
6 Within 10 seconds after casting the skill, the user can attack sticky bombs to mark enemy positions within 7m and shoot sticky bombs to damage enemies. Maximum effect of 5 Gloo Walls. Recovery: 55 seconds.
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Combining skills for Iris in Free Fire

Iris’ active skills can only be combined with passive skills. In general, if this ability hits a sticky bomb, you should combine it with a passive attack ability:


Maro is one of the few characters that has the ability to increase weapon damage. Players can easily combine this passive skill with Wall Brawl to increase damage to enemies.


Ice Iron restores HP to spray sticky bombs. However, the most useful feature here is the 35% damage increase when using Gloo Wall’s AR.


Reload speed is increased and the last SMG bullet does more damage.

Originally posted on August 5, 2022 @ 7:28 pm

Update at 3:26 - 29/06/2023
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