Minecraft: The best villagers worth trading for items

Types of inhabitants in Minecraft can change the values ​​for you, but they are not the same. It’s on the line best minecraft villagers for sale.

Villages in Minecraft

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The world of Minecraft is huge. It is not only full of square blocks, but there are also characters such as villagers, traders, bandits… All this creates an interesting miniature society in Minecraft. Although you can’t control the character, you can change things Villages in Minecraft to get what you want.

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    Shepherd – Shepherd

    Keeper in Minecraft

    For those who want to make emeralds, this is a good tool to build a sheep farm in the village and get the money you need in exchange for finding a Shepherd. These Minecraft villagers usually provide fur. You can exchange 18 feathers for 1 emerald. Evolving Shepherd will allow players to change their gem colors. You can also exchange gems for beds, banners, but it’s not worth it. Villagers in Minecraft take on the role of guards when there is a bank nearby.

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    Cartographers – Cartographers

    Minecraft Map Maker

    If you like exploration, you will definitely want to visit the local cartographer – Minecraft villagers take on this role, standing next to the mapping table. This character offers paper in exchange for emeralds. Developing this character, you can start a real adventure. Some cartographers also offer exploration maps in exchange for a compass and 10+ emeralds. The map can direct players to the unique Sea Monument or Forest House.

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    Crafting Tools – Blacksmith

    Blacksmith in Minecraft

    If a villager in Minecraft gives players the survival tools they need, it’s the Toolsmith. This character can offer emerald instead of coal, iron or flint. Stones can be altered with certain smith tools.

    Of course, players can make some of the iron tools. So you can completely exchange the corresponding number of emeralds for diamonds or iron tools, or even shovels, axes and sticks. You will find a blacksmith near the iron table.

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    Fletcher – Master of the bow and arrow

    Arrow Blacksmith in Minecraft

    Weapons in Minecraft become more varied and useful as the game progresses. Therefore, the use of Minecraft villagers who specialize in making bows and arrows is the right choice for those who want to get better at it. Two potential starting trades are 1 emerald for 32 bars and 16 arrows for 1 emerald. Later deals include common and enchanted arrows that can be traded for 21-22 emeralds. Fletcher also bought stones, wool or thread for the emeralds. A Minecraft villager will take on this role while standing next to the dining table.

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    Mason – Builder

    Minecraft builders

    Those who like building blocks will love working with bricklayers. However, even if you don’t have that passion, Mason can still be your best source of emerald mods while playing Minecraft. Between Novice and Journeyman levels, masons can offer players emeralds in exchange for stone, clay, andesite, diorite, and granite. All these things are very easy to collect in the dynamic class, the clay is always in the swamp. If you are looking for an easy way to find beautiful blocks of terracotta or quartz, both levels of mason and craftsman will help you. The villager near the quarry plays the role of a bricklayer in Minecraft.

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    Itinerant merchant – Itinerant merchant

    A wandering merchant in Minecraft

    Many types of villagers in Minecraft appear randomly, regardless of where they spawn. Sometimes players have to deal with a group of Pillager thieves who appear suddenly and attack forward, but sometimes they meet with a traveling merchant and his two camel friends.

    All trades with this merchant are exchanged for emeralds. You can buy pets and other farming materials from the Wandering Trader in Minecraft. Some of the more expensive items include slimeballs (4 emeralds), Nautilus Shells (5 emeralds), Blue Ice (6 emeralds).

  • Here are some Villages in Minecraft exchange, value of goods. If you know of other options, please share them with Download.vn readers!

Originally posted on August 10, 2022 @ 9:15 pm

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