Steam Deck: Every Secret Keyboard Shortcut You Should Know

Wondering how to take a screenshot or close a game? Steam deck How? It’s that simple! him Steam Deck keyboard shortcuts below will help you.

Steam Deck Valve
Steam Deck Valve

Steam deck It’s a great handheld console from Valve that combines the flexibility of the Nintendo Switch with the power of PC gaming. One of the best things about Steam Deck is that it is compatible with many PC games.

If you have a Steam platform, have you taken the time to research everything from software to hardware it has to offer? Do you know the Steam Deck shortcuts to take screenshots, turn on the keyboard, or adjust the screen brightness?

That’s right, you don’t need to bother with the menus to complete any task in Steam Deck, just use the keyboard shortcuts. They help you use Steam Deck faster, easier.

All Steam Deck Shortcuts

Hot buttons ACTIVITY
Steam + B (short hold) Turn off the game
Steam + XD Show shortcuts on the screen
Steam + L1 Turn on/off the magnifying glass
Steam + R1 Take a screenshot
Steam + L2 (light attraction) Right click
Steam + R2 (Light Shoot) Click on the left
Steam + right joystick Make your controller a mouse
Steam + right trackpad go
Steam + right trackpad (click) Click on the left
Steam + pushes the left stick up Increase the brightness of the screen
Steam + Push left stick down Reduce the brightness of the screen
Steam + D-pad Right Enter the key
Steam + D-pad down Key tab
Steam + D-pad is all that’s left Escape key

Steam deck it is a development product, so Valve may add more shortcuts in the future. Now you can use the Steam Deck shortcut above to work on Steam or play one of the many games on the world’s game store.

Originally posted on August 5, 2022 @ 1:40 pm

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